"How Do You Beat Stress and Overwhelm?" 

Hi, I'm Lisa Wolfe

I help working women over 40 regain control of their overall health via stress management and inner alignment so they can live healthier, happier lives. 

I teach my clients how to stop feeling stuck and regain control over their lives.

Want a Future with Less Stress, Anxiety, Overwhelm and More Fulfillment?

Do you wake up feeling anxious or stressed? Do you battle with negative emotions on a daily basis? Are you being pulled in multiple directions? Are you feeling stuck or disconnected? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you are not alone. 

Many times our external world mirrors our internal world. When your environment is chaotic, then internally you will feel the same way. If you cannot find balance in the key aspects of your life (i.e. relationships, career, money, health), it will be difficult to live the life you deserve.

Maybe it's time to heal the past and set a new direction for the future. One that has you in the center of your life.

Join me for a 12-week Inner Alignment program consisting of weekly coaching, and inner personal work to:

  • Set the vision for how you want your life and create the momentum in that direction
  • Understand and heal your energetic imbalances so you can start to feel some inner bliss
  • Unpack old fear that lives in your body and keeps you stuck
  • Rewire belief systems so you can step into a more expansive version of yourself
  • Set up up your life so that your inner care comes first...ALWAYS
  • Learn how to incorporate healthy habits to improve your energy, digestion, and balance those unpredictable hormones

Life can feel joyful and light once you align yourself to your Soul/Heart. Relationships can heal and feel more nourishing once you get you back again. You don't have to live on the hamster wheel anymore. Time to reconnect, align, and feel good again.

Here's what you get:

  • 12 Weekly On-line or In person meetings (60-90 minutes) to focus on deep healing and inner alignment (Law of Attraction, Energetic Balancing, Meditation Practices, Spiritual Healing)
  • 12 Weekly Inner Work Assignments to keep the momentum
  • "Awaken Your Potency" book written by Kim Beekman
  • Weight Loss/Gain Program using flexible & customized weekly eating plans that fit your body type and lifestyle
  • Behavior Change management focus rather than deprivation or fad diets
  • Between session support via WhatsApp 
  • Korr Metabolic Test (BONUS for 3 month sign up - $99 Value) LOCAL CLIENTS ONLY

If you are ready to change your environment and if you are committed to rediscovering a life full of fun, happiness, and fulfillment — I can help you with that.  Click here to schedule a free one-on-one consult with me!!

Does this sound like you?

Feel as if you’ve lost total control over your life. Ashamed to admit that you're not coping well.

You're great at helping everyone else, but when it comes to your life and well-being you seem to put yourself last. Through my own emotional empowerment training and years of experience in the world of health and fitness, I will lead you towards a life that is more fulfilling by helping you to gain confidence, freedom, balance and a new focus on what is important to YOU. 

Your patience has taken a dive and you’re quick to fly off the handle with your co-workers and/or loved ones.

We’ll get it sorted out. After working with me, you’ll learn that self-love and self-care are necessities as opposed to luxuries, as these traits are the basis for true health. If you're feeling frustrated with your relationships, this means you're not taking enough time to recharge. I work with people who are ready to move towards a stronger and healthier version of themselves, by providing a safe and non-judgmental environment. Together we will develop a transformation program just for you. 

Exhausted all of the time and it feels as if your body is working against you? You're confused about what will work best for you to restore your energy and your health.

With the fast paced world around us, it's not uncommon to grab whatever is convenient and quick to nourish our bodies. About 85% of the time the choices we make aren't the best for us. How about all of the hype over the latest diet craze(s) and how with pre-cooked foods and portions you can lose tons of weight? What those programs fail to mention is that their foods are loaded with sugar and preservatives. And did anyone mention that all of us respond to food differently? That's where I come in...I help you find the right combination of foods that will increase your energy and overall health. 

No longer feel attractive or desirable...so why bother trying?

Did you ever hear the expression that negativity attracts negativity? Those negative emotions or stories that you're telling yourself activate the stress response in your body, causing your hormones to immediately become imbalanced. Cortisol and insulin go crazy, you feel irritable, and your body and emotions are all out of whack. I help you recognize the signs of stress and ways to manage it on a daily basis. Here's a little secret I'll share with you...your body responds to all stress (good OR bad) the same way. As a result, your entire system slows way down and throws you out of alignment! I want you to remember that you're not alone and I'm here to help you get your physical and mental well-being back on track.

Let's Talk

I help you review your current situation and provide SIMPLE, and easy-to-implement strategies to experience radically positive change.

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How Do You Beat Stress and Overwhelm?

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